Coomassie Solution

Use of Coomassie Blue

What can Coomassie Blue be used for is a very frequently asked question among the freshly graduated High School students, who wish someday to be the best biochemists in the world or at least in their country.

Waking up in the morning and thinking:

“Should I learn something to be ready when I get into the university and show my amazing knowledge, which will result in the teacher’s happiness that there is still some potential in the adolescent generation?”

The answer is yes. If you are this type of guy, then this article is right for you! Enough with the jokes, let’s get right to the serious part.

In Biochemistry

Coomassie Blue is a solid-type substance. It is mainly used in biochemistry for detection of proteins in gels by dying them with color, which depends on the type of Coomassie. For separation by electrifying the proteins with negative charge and for estimation of the amount of protein in a solution.

In Medicine

Coomassie Stain has also uses in the medical sphere. Recently were reports that Brilliant Blue G, a type of Coomassie, could help heal spinal cord injuries in lab rats.

Laboratory Rat


Strange, isn’t it? Well… It wouldn’t be actually strange if the treated with dye does get colored, which was the only side effect, but for a while!

Another use of the Brilliant Blue G is the use in retinal surgery to assist the surgeons.

If you wish to do experiments, brag about your friends that you can make the protein blue, you could use our product Instant Blue for the first try.


Instant Blue 2 Bottles


It is a Coomassie Blue Solution, which has zero methanol, however it contains ethanol and phosphoric acid. This combination is like whiskey and cola, so you know why this is the choice.

3 thoughts on “What Can Coomassie Blue Be Used For?”

  1. Instant blue is like wisky cola for potein staining. It contains alcohol and phosphoric acid. The Counassie blue is bound to a sugar so it will less bind to polyacrylamide and give sharper elecrophoresis bands staining on your sds page.

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